Going SoloHave you ever taken off on a trip all by yourself with the hope of discovering yourself or to indulge in some quality 'me' time? Or perhaps with the hope of finding Mr./Ms. Right? While 45% of Indian travellers prefer to travel with family, 32% with friends, a surprising 64% are open to the idea of travelling solo. 


Domestic v/s InternationalDomestic travel is at an all-time high with 97% of travellers undertaking one or more domestic trips in a year. However, thanks to better airfares and hotel rates international travel has become more affordable and appealing. The study showed that 52% Indian travellers plan one or more international trips in a year. Planned v/s UnplannedAre you the type to carefully chalk out your itinerary, pre-book your hotel and plan your intercity journeys beforehand? Or are you the spontaneous sort? 41% travellers prefer planning their itineraries and plan their trip in advance, as opposed to picking up their bags and leaving at a short notice. 47% however, responded that their travel style would depend on the situation. According to the survey, 56% of Indian travellers are explorers at heart, while 8% prefer to be safe and visit frequented places; 36% responded that they were a bit of both.Unleashing the wild sideWould you have a one-night stand in another country? Have you ever drunk dialled someone while you're on a vacation? While some like to play it safe and be prepared, condoms do not make it to the top five travel must-haves for 64% of Indian travellers and 21% of travellers are open to the idea of one-night stands while on holiday.Say goodbye to your dietAlthough today’s consumer is extremely health-conscious, on vacation mode most diet plans go for a toss. According to the survey, 70% of people do not watch their weight while on vacation. Food is as important, if not more, as a tourist attraction. Most travellers choose to gorge on local delicacies while travelling, but a significant number prefer to play it safe and stick to known cuisines such as Indian, Italian, Chinese and Mexican.