Raavan, although Brahmin and well educated was punished by lord Ram for his adharmic actions. It is a historical fact that lord ram was very impressed with Raavan's knowledge and wisdom.


So, after defeating him he praised Raavan and asked brother Lakshman to seek the blessings of the dying Raavan. Lord Ram asked his brother Lakshman to go to him and learn lessons about the world, which no other person except for such a learnt brahmin like Raavan could ever teach him. Lakshman obeyed his brother’s order and stayed nearby dying Raavan’s head but Raavan said nothing and Lakshman returned back to ram. Then ram told Lakshman that whenever you want to learn something, you should never stand near his head but his feet. Lakshman again went to Raavan and this time he stood near his feet, Raavan seeing Lakshman standing near his feet told him his secrets that would make someone’s life successful.

  • You should defer bad action whenever you can and do a good deed without delay. If you follow these rules, you can not only save yourself but many others from getting harmed.
  • Raavan also told about politics and statesmen.
  • Do not be an enemy of your charioteer, your gatekeeper, your cook, and your brother, as they can harm you at any point.
  • Don’t think you are always a winner, even if you win all the time.
  • Always trust the minister who criticises you.
  • Never think your enemy is small or helpless as I thought of Hanuman.
  • Never think that you can be more outsmart than the stars since they will bring you should do.
  • A king eager for glory must suppress greed as soon as it lifts his head. 
  • A king should be given the least opportunity to do good to others without the least delay. 

Valmiki has described Raavan as the great devotee of Lord Shiva . In many popular versions of the epic such as Ramkatha and Ramkirtis, we are told that Raavan composed Rudra stotra in praise of Lord Shiva, the ascetic god. His ten heads were  kaam (lust), Krodh (wrath), Lobh (greed), Moh (obsession), Mada (vanity), Maatsarya (Envy), Ahankaara (Ego), Chitta (will), Manas (Heart), Buddhi (Mind or Intellect)

Ten from the ten head. Raavan is of ten qualities, such is the wisdom of Raavan. You can also inculcate these genius habits within you and achieve heights in life.