Summer seems to be the perfect time for Mamta Baruah Herland, a Norwegian artist of Indian origin, to exhibit her work titled Between Reality and Dream at the Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Worli.

And since the lady has been away from the country since 1986, this is the first time the Indian audience here is going to witness her works. Says the Assamese artist, “I will be showcasing paintings, digital art and videos during my exhibition. The videos will be shown on the three mini-TV screens that are hung up on the walls like a painting. There are nine video arts that are based on nature and me and on each screen, three different films of five minutes each will be showcased.”

Apparently, her parents expired when she was young and this occurrence at that stage scarred her for life. Mamta reveals, “I lost my parents in Assam, after which I was alone, and so I went to Norway. The emptiness and the ‘lost’ feeling in my life after losing them is reflected in my works.”

Presently stationed at her sister’s place in the city, Mamta says, “I have experimented with my work and manipulated photography images.” Even though she has been away in Norway with husband Geir Herland (who is also here in the city to support her), India has still influenced her. “Indians are very colourful and the usage of strong colours in my work reflects the influence that the country has had on me,” she ends before stating that her first ever exhibition will become a re-union of sorts because “two of my brothers from around Guwahati are also coming for the show.”

Her exhibition Between Reality and Dream is on till April 20.