It is normal for women to gain weight during pregnancy, but doctors advise reducing this extra weight immediately after delivery as it can cause many problems later. If a woman does not pay attention to her lifestyle during this period, then her weight increases continuously. Something similar happened with Debbie Rose, whose weight doubled after her second pregnancy. After this, she made all efforts to control her weight but things turned from bad to worse. But she did not give up and after two years of hard work, he reduced his weight to 50 kg. Debbie Rose credits her transformation to the 80/20 rule.


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Debbie, 70, lost 50 kilos in the last two years and seven months. Along with losing weight, his health has also improved. His sleep got better, blood pressure got cured. Earlier she could hardly get four hours of sleep and now she sleeps for six to seven hours. She feels more energetic now. She started gaining weight from the first pregnancy, which increased further after the second pregnancy, which forced Debbie to be confined to bed.

He told me during a show, "Obesity made me a victim of many diseases. My hearing was affected and when I underwent weight loss surgery, he put me under house arrest for five years. I had to undergo knee surgery twice.

In the year 2001, his weight reached 157 kg. After this, he underwent abdominal surgery. Then he lost about 80 kg, which remained intact till 2010. But an accident made him back like that.

She says I was trying to go inside my car in the parking lot when someone attacked me. I had one leg inside the car and one outside. He was threatening to take my purse and car. I felt that he would kill me. That's when I took courage and started driving away by taking the car in reverse. I did not know where I am and where I am going. I didn't even know whether I had run over the attacker.

She said, "This incident filled me with great fear and I was scared to go out of my house. I did not go anywhere due to which my weight started increasing. I was surrounded by depression. Under this stress and pressure, I started eating more. After five years my weight gain became 135 kg. I also took fitness training from many online sites but my weight used to decrease and then increase.

Due to many diseases increasing in the body, he took a step towards weight loss. He felt that his ability to hear was getting affected. Hearing aids were not helping much and she could only understand what others were saying. In 2018, he got the device installed in his ears through surgery. This gave me confidence. But during this time the doctor warned me that my life will depend on my weight. After this, he started working seriously on his weight.

Debbie said, "I adopted many diets to lose weight but none worked for me, then I tried to adopt the 80/20 rule. I used to eat 80 percent of healthy things and 20 percent of my choice. I was getting everything to eat and it was working on me. After this, he started intermittent fasting. She used to drink black coffee in the morning followed by a salad with protein at 11 am. When hungry, she used to cook things in the air fryer and did not eat anything after seven o'clock.

Also did light exercise Debbie said, "Due to two knee surgeries, the doctor told me to do many types of exercises. I started doing them. I could not walk much in the beginning because of my knees, but then I started walking six thousand to nine thousand steps daily. I slowly started doing squats, strength training and other exercises. Walking slowly, I lost 50 kilos over a period of two years and seven months." Debbie Rose recently joined a news channel's Facebook group and shared her weight loss journey with the world. She is now becoming an inspiration for other women who are facing many problems like her.

What is the 80/20 rule?

The 80/20 rule for weight loss is very popular these days. In this, 80 percent of your diet consists of healthy foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Apart from this, water, juice and healthy drinks are also included in this. At the same time, in 20 percent, of a person can eat things of their choice, but most of the healthy and low-fat things should be included in this. Through this rule, healthy and low-calorie things go more in the body of a person, due to which fat burns faster. However, people should exercise along with following this rule for quick results.