Water is a vital nutrient and maintaining good levels plays an important role in your training as well as your overall performance. Our bodies are made up of 65% water and we need to maintain this for proper functioning of our cells, muscles and tissues, to regulate body temperature and to carry oxygen and nutrients to all parts of our body.


A sudden decrease in body water can affect heart rate, muscle endurance and thermoregulatory functions.Proper hydration during training and prior to the event is critical to your performance. Follow these guidelines:1.    Drink water and not aerated or alcoholic fluids as they can accelerate dehydration which is detrimental to your training efforts.2.    Sports drinks need to be taken wisely (they are also high in sugar content) but are helpful as they provide electrolytes needed by the body.3.    Avoid consuming excess water as they cause a condition called hyponatremia.4.    While training or running, it is important to recognise dehydration symptoms like headache, exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, cramps, chills, nausea and disorientation.5.    Fruit juices like orange juices, coconut water, lemon water with rock salt are recommended.6.    For long runs or long training sessions, water alone may not be sufficient.  An isotonic drink hydrates as well as provides the necessary electrolytes and energy.7.    Take sips of water and avoid large volumes at a time.8.    During the event carry easy to hold disposable water bottles especially when water is not readily available at all stations.Training and running for a marathon requires meticulous planning or preparation that includes good nutrition, regular committed training sessions, proper hydration and adequate rest.