Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 10 every year. It is celebrated to honour the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. This was the first-ever global document on human rights that outlines all human beings' fundamental rights that need to be protected universally.


On this special day, you can share wishes, WhatsApp messages and quotes with each other.

Human Rights Day 2022: Wishes, Inspirational Quotes and Messages

Human rights are an important power in the present society where every authority looks for dominating and oppressing their citizens. Let us all together celebrate the glorious Human Rights Day.

To have a peaceful nation, we need to respect human rights… We need to make sure that everyone has been fed and only then can call ourselves developed in a true sense. Warm wishes on Human Rights Day.

Human Rights Day reminds us all that how undemocratic countries are snatching away the rights of the innocent and how people are losing their lives because of injustice and violence. Let us promise to fight for their betterment. Happy Human Rights Day to you.

Just by giving all the humans their rights, we can surely make this earth a far better place to live… where there will be peace, happiness and growth for one and for all. Warm wishes on Human Rights Day.

The Rights of every man are diminished, when the Rights of one man are threatened. On this Human Rights Day, I send love and good wishes for celebrating the power of every individual.

Human Rights are not a part but the whole. I wish you a happy Human Rights Day. I hope you have a joyous celebration of the best powers any individual can get.