Every year March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day all over the world. This day is specially dedicated to women and issues related to them. Every year this special day is celebrated with a theme. But do you know how and when the celebration of this day started? Why is this day celebrated every year on March 8 only? If you are also unaware of the answers to these questions, then let us tell you today about the history of Women's Day and all the important things related to it-


History of women's day

A rally held in New York in the year 1908 has an important contribution behind celebrating Women's Day. In fact, this year 12 to 15 thousand women organized a rally in New York. The demand of these rallying women was that some hours of their job should be reduced. Along with this, they should also be given salary according to their work. Along with this, these people also demanded that they should get the right to vote. A year after this movement, the Socialist Party of America announced the first National Women's Day.

Later in the year 1911, the first International Women's Day was celebrated in Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Germany. After this, on March 8, 1975, the United Nations officially recognized Women's Day. Since then, this day has been celebrated with a special theme for the last six years.

Purpose of celebrating women's day

The main purpose of celebrating this day is to give equal rights to women in the society. Along with this, its purpose is also to give every woman their rights. Along with this, this day is also celebrated for the purpose of preventing discrimination against women in any field. On this day, many programs and campaigns are also organized for the purpose of attracting the attention of people towards the rights of women and making them aware.

Women's day 2023 theme

When the celebration of Women's Day was started on March 8 by the United Nations, it was celebrated with a special theme. When International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time, its theme was 'Celebrating the Past, Planning for the Future'. On the other hand, talk about this year's theme, this time the theme for International Women's Day has been set as "DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality".