Yoga is the gateway of happiness that the body needs in daily life. It invigorates and relaxes you and armours you with confidence through self control. International Yoga Day is observed on June 21 every year. Today we are celebrating the seventh Yoga Day. The practice of Yoga has proved to be highly beneficial for the mind, body and soul. It not only provides physical and mental relaxation but also helps to develop resilience and strength.


HistoryYoga has been a part of ancient Indian culture since time immemorial. On September 27, 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his speech at the UN General Assembly proposed the idea to adopt an ‘International Yoga Day’. India’s ambassador, Ashoke Kumar Mukerji introduced the idea to adopt June 21 as the International Yoga Day.

The resolution was a remarkable moment for India as it garnered support from 177 nations, the highest number of co-sponsors for any UN Resolution. Countries from across the globe, from the United States to Canada partake in the event.

SignificanceYoga is the Sanskrit word for ‘union’. It is a group of spiritual, physical and mental practises that originated in India. International Yoga Day is celebrated across the world to highlight the numerous benefits of Yoga and its importance in a person’s life. Performing the different asanas or postures and pranayamas and meditation can alleviate stress and improve immunity and lung and other bodily functions. Yoga has various health benefits for the entire body and mental health. 

ThemeThe main theme of International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2021 is ‘Yoga For Wellness’ that focuses on practising Yoga for physical and mental well-being.

Yoga plays a significant role in the psycho-social care and rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients in quarantine and isolation. The message of Yoga in promoting both the physical and mental well-being of mankind has never been more relevant. Yoga has been included in the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Global Action Plan for physical activity 2018-30. All member stated of WHO have also been asked to practise Yoga.

Yoga has turned to be beneficial for a quick recovery from COVID-19 diseases and has also helped with breathing difficulties that arise from the virus.

How to celebrate International Yoga DayAs we are celebrating International Yoga Day amid the pandemic for the second year in a row, it is advisable to stay indoors and practise Yoga and participate in virtual events.