Here’s news which is literally music to ears. Five teenagers from the Valley have formed a band, Sign — the Signature of Music, and released an album on YouTube.


The results have been encouraging. “We released the song on February 9. It got a five rating and thousands of hits, indicating its popularity,” Rahi, vocalist of the all-male five-member band, said.The band came into being two years ago when its members were just 14 years old. For the last two years, they have held nine concerts, mostly spending from their own pocket.

“We come from middle-class families. We use our pocket money for performances.

“We want to prove to the world that Kashmir has got talent and we can be on a par with anyone,” said Hamza, one of the two band guitarists.

The band has two vocalists, two guitarists and a drummer, all trained in a local music school. All members double up as lyricist. “We did not know each other before. We came from different backgrounds and music was our meeting ground. Gradually, we became friends and our teachers honed our skills and decided to bring us together to create the youngest rock band in Kashmir,” Rahi said, adding that lack of sponsorship and opportunities were their biggest turn-offs.

“We will prove our talent because Kashmiris are the best,” the members of Sign signed off.