Astronomy lovers and stargazers can look forward to another celestial show this month. The next lunar eclipse, or Chandra Grahan, will happen on 18 September 2024. This will be the second lunar eclipse of the year. While people in many parts of the world will be able to see it, those in India won't be able to witness the partial eclipse because the Moon will be below the horizon. However, the event still holds religious importance for many in India. Once the lunar eclipse ends, here’s what you should do to transition back to normal life.


1. Clean your space

It’s believed that lunar eclipses can bring negative energy. To clear this, open your windows to let fresh air in and use natural incense like sage or palo santo to purify your home. This helps refresh the atmosphere.

2. Return to your routine 

After the eclipse, gently get back to your usual activities. If you followed any rituals or fasted during the eclipse, slowly return to your normal diet and routine to avoid any sudden changes that might affect your health.

3. Hydrate and eat well

The eclipse might have disrupted your eating or drinking habits. Drink plenty of water and eat balanced, nutritious meals to restore your energy and health.