The toilet is an essential part of any construction and its location and position hold great importance. A toilet is a place of disposal, so it flushes out the effects of the zone in which it is located. The toilet has to be completely avoided in North East direction as it gives major health issues like memory loss, paralysis or even cancer. Mahavastu expert, Acharya Shivani Gupta shares tips to place toilets at home. 


A toilet in the East reduces one's social circle and those who are in politics should absolutely avoid toilets here. Toilet in the Southwest destroys the stability of one’s relationship. In the West, it flushes out your gains and one does not get desired returns of his efforts. In the North, it gives birth to career-related issues and flushes out new opportunities in one's life.

You must be thinking, it is considered to be wrong everywhere then one should not have any Toilet seat in his house? No, there are a few advisable directions as per Vastu Shastra to place a toilet seat to get good results. South of South West( SSW) zone is a natural zone of disposal, placing a toilet seat here removes whatever is waste for you or in your life. So it is the best zone for a toilet seat.

In East of South East( ESE) it red ya anxiety and limits over-analytical tendencies. In the West, if North West it helps in releasing blocked emotions from the mind of occupants of such houses. But as we all know, in today's world where there are high rise buildings, and already built up floors, it is obvious to have one or two toilets in the wrong zones.

In this case, where relocation or demolition is not possible, we can easily nullify the negative results by installing metal strips around the WC as per zones or using elemental colour strips except the Northeast zone. The rest of the zones can be taken care of by using simple remedies.