Disruptions due to Covid-19 and restrictions on businesses to control the outbreak have led to economic distress and loss of livelihood for countless farmers across India. However, there are certain sectors that have shown remarkable resilience, especially when it comes to protecting the interests of vulnerable farmers in the ecosystem.


Jayamma Koladevi, who works as a poultry farmer with Nandu’s, extended her shed capacity from 6,000 sq.ft. to 11,000 sq.ft. using her hard-earned profits during the pandemic. She credits the dedicated team at Karnataka’s only omnichannel, farm-to-fork meat brand for helping cut her losses by reducing dependence on medications for the birds – which were causing high mortality. The enhanced bird health has led to higher productivity and sustained profits.

“The Indian poultry industry employs around three million farmers and contributes over INR 2 lakh crore to the national income,” said Narendra Pasuparthy, Founder & CEO, Nandu’s. One of the fastest growing segments of the agriculture sector in India, poultry farming has come a long way from being considered a backyard business until some years ago.

Growth story

Today, poultry farming is a mainstream profession, aiding better employment opportunities and stable source of income generation for numerous families across India. “With the industry being gradually streamlined, it has opened up new professional avenues for unemployed youth, rural women, small and marginal farmers as well as people involved in small industries, such as layer and broiler raising, poultry pharmaceuticals, and hatchery management,” noted Narendra.

Since Nandu’s inception in 2016, the Bengaluru-based brand has been making conscious efforts to build a steady source of livelihood for the farmer community. Currently, close to 140 farmers work exclusively with Nandu’s.

“Integration farming contracts ensure that our farmers are exposed to zero risk. While the farmer brings his labour and infrastructure to the table, the vagaries of the market and factors affecting production efficiency are the responsibility of Nandu’s, thereby ensuring economic sustainability for the farmers,” stated the entrepreneur, who prefers to be called the ‘Chief Farmer’.

The government has also been making strategic investments in the poultry sector to boost its growth. Incentives to those who adopt modern technologies and achieve higher productivity have been a real shot in the arm for Indian farmers.

Support system

The difficult market conditions, courtesy the pandemic, have changed the scenario though. Poultry farmers have been struggling to find suitable means of sustainable income in order to support their children’s education and family needs.

As India’s largest hyperlocal, fully-integrated and omnichannel meat brand, Nandu’s has been in a position to provide financial stability for its farmers and their families. “Our collaborative spirit has

helped us ensure livelihood, safety and business continuity for our farmers,” maintained Narendra, adding that Nandu’s has a team of 25 employees who work closely with the farmers.

Shankar, a farmer from Huthur, was pleasantly surprised to discover that his birds were healthier once he stopped using antibiotics on them. The superior quality chicks and feed supply by Nandu’s, says Shankar, have helped ensure a stable, regular income, even during the pandemic.

For Anand, a farmer from Chowkanahalli, the biggest advantage of working with Nandu’s, he says, has been the stress relief! He earlier worked with poor quality chicks that were not just tough to maintain, but also had a high mortality rate. Now, Anand has easy access to good quality chicks and nutritious feed, making his job a lot less stressful and more economically rewarding.

Nandu’s not only provides the farmers with timely feed, chicks, and support in growing the chicken, but also trains them in good farming practices, provides veterinary services, and ensures they are up-to-date with technological developments in the sector.

Article attributed to Mr. Narendra Pasuparthy, CEO & Founder, Nandu’s

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