I’ll cover each part of this in detail, but will keep it really simple and free from scientific jargon or ridiculous claims.


So we’ll cover the good of using Tesofensine for cutting (fat loss) as part of a bodybuilding plan, and I’ll also cover side effects and problems you can encounter.

If you’re wondering where you can find Tesofensine for sale, and want to check out before we get started, you can right here:

>>>>> Swiss Chems Tesofensine 60 x 0.25 mg dosage capsules <<<<<

 What Exactly Is Tesofensine?

Tesofensine is a novel reuptake inhibitor, known as a triple monoamine reuptake inhibitor, that inhibits serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

It was developed and clinically trialed more than a decade ago as a treatment for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, both of which can be affected by levels of these three neurotransmitters.

However, it was found to be totally unsuitable for this purpose. But it was noted during these trials that a lot of the test subjects lost a significant amount of weight that wasn’t related to their illness.

The company who owned the patent to its chemical formula, a company called NeuroSearch, sold it in 2014 to another company called Saniona.

They continued research and investigation into its suitability as a weight loss product, with it currently under Phase III clinical human trials. This is great news because it means it’s tolerable enough for it to get to this stage of human experimentation.

It has been found to be well-tolerated in all Phase II and Phase III trials published so far, and has been found to generate up to 16% fat loss against placebo groups, but more typically around 10% average dosage levels. This is more fat loss than any other anti-obesity medication has ever achieved on a consistent basis.

It’s important for me to tell you right here at the start that it’s not a natural compound. Tesofensine peptide is an artificial short-chain amino acid developed in a lab, specifically for the purposes outlined above.

Tesofensine Mechanism Of Action: How Does Tesofensine Peptide Work?

Tesofensine is a triple monoamine reuptake inhibitor, that works in the body to inhibit the reuptake of the three crucial neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine.

It prevents the reabsorption of these three key neurotransmitters in the presynaptic neuron, which leads to elevated concentrations of all three.

This produces a range of Tesofensine benefits that I’ll cover in a moment. But let’s specifically look at the fat loss claims, and how they could be driven by this peptide.

Although the way it works for fat loss is not fully understood yet, it’s believed that by inhibiting all three of these crucial neurotransmitters, the combined inhibition leads to dramatically reduced appetite levels.

It’s thought that by increasing dopamine signaling that reward and motivation for eating are lowered, and it is therefore not sought out as readily. Basically, your appetite will decrease noticeably.

Serotonin and norepinephrine both help with other physiological processes, including regulation mood, memory, appetite, and in terms of serotonin, and good sleep.

As norepinephrine helps to elevate the heart rate as well, it’s thought that this somehow boosts a persons resting level of energy expenditure alongside updating other energy expending processes, so you are literally burning more calories when you rest.

In addition, it’s been noted to increase metabolism, including prioritizing fat oxidation over carbohydrate oxidation, with an overall stimulated level of lipolysis.

Tesofensine Benefits

Before going into more detail on the benefits, let’s just give you the snapshot:

  • Improved mood
  • Faster rate of fat loss
  • Suppression of appetite
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Better memory retention and recall
  • Improved sex drive

So it’s important to state that some of those are quite minor. Improved mood can definitely occur, and it has several similarities to SSRI antidepressants, due to lowering the reuptake of serotonin. However, some people report feeling more depressed using it.

It’s important to state that this isn’t a nootropic. It’s not going to significantly boost you cognitively, but it will give you a little edge which is a great additional benefit. You’ll feel slightly sharper, and your memory will be better.

Also, and improved sex drive part is unproven. Anecdotally, some people report feeling better about things, but others don’t seem to have increased sexual feelings or drive.

It’s the fat loss which is the most notable feature. People have reported up to 16% fat loss in 6 months, which is extreme. More typically, up to 10% weight loss is experienced, which is compared to around 2.2% in the placebo group of one study who only made dietary changes.

But, unless you have an adverse response, you’ll feel happier, more energized, think a little faster, and most importantly, you’ll eat less, move more, and burn more of the calories you need in order to lose weight fast.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy Tesofensine <<<<<

What Are Typical Tesofensine Results: Do Clinical Studies Backup Weight Loss Claims?

Let’s get specific now about typical Tesofensine results. What can be achieved, and what studies have been done to back up the claims?

The real promise in both Phase II and Phase III clinical trials over the past few years. So this is not something which is about rumors, many studies have shown real weight loss promise in humans, not just animal and in vitro studies.

Let’s give you some more details of those key human studies:

  1. In a study of 203 obese people, over 24 weeks it was found to deliver dose dependent weight loss of between 4.5% and 11%. That’s on top of the 2% weight loss that was observed from changes to diet.
  2. In another trial over 26 weeks, dosed at between 0.25 mg, and 1 mg, (with a placebo group as well), weight loss was seen again to be dose dependent. 6.7% when using 0.25 mg, 11.3% when using 0.5 mg, and 12.8% when using 1 mg.
  3. In a Phase III trial over 24 weeks, weight loss in 846 obese people, was noted at between 6.7%, and 10.6%, dependent on dose (using the standard 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, and 1 mg dosages daily). This compared to 2% loss from placebo, which again is pretty standard for diet-only weight loss.

The truth is that greater weight loss was observed than in any already authorized weight loss product, including medications such as Orlistat and Liraglutide.

It’s dose dependent though, and you have to be on a calorie controlled diet. Most of these trials seem to be at around a 300 Cal deficit per day. So don’t think this is a miracle pill, you still have to be on a diet, and working out hard will accelerate things to the max for you.

Overall, with a calorie controlled diet, you can expect around 10-12% additional weight loss, when compared to diet alone over six months. That’s really significant, and makes it very interesting potential cutting agent for bodybuilders.

Tesofensine Dosage Range

It’s been observed time and again that the weight loss you can experience when using Tesofensine is dose dependent, and usually split into these three average weight loss ranges:

  • Around 6% weight loss using 0.25 mg per day
  • up to 10% weight loss using your 0.5 mg per day
  • up to 12% weight loss using 1 mg per day

Now as you can see, the effects start to tail off. Doubling the dose from 0.5 mg to 1 mg per day produces less results than doubling it from 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg per day. So from that we can also see that doses above 1 mg are almost not worth taking.

Also, reported side effects get worse as the dose increases as well. That’s why it’s never recommended to take more than 1 mg per day.

In fact, looking at the data, and from my own experiences using this, 0.5 mg, and may be up to 0.75 mg, is the sweet spot you should be looking to work within.

However, it’s important to understand that this has a very long half life of up to 9 days. So to check that you are okay with this, initially, I would always suggest dosing 0.25 mg, to ensure that you aren’t having bad side effects you are then stuck with for some time.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy Tesofensine <<<<<

Tesofensine Side Effects & Warnings

Let’s now talk about those side effects which could be a problem, especially at higher doses. Although they were observed at very low levels, they could be problematic for some.

These are the main Tesofensine side effects:

  1. Elevated heart rate of up to 10 bpm.
  2. Blood pressure increases. Usually small, and only at high doses.
  3. Gastrointestinal side effects such as constipation, diarrhea, and nausea.
  4. A dry mouth is a very common side effect that most experience.
  5. Although much rarer, some have reported anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Overall, the reports on the Phase III human clinical studies are overwhelmingly good. Side effects were minimal, and dose dependent, but it’s important to make you aware of them.

Unless you have an elevated heart rate already, then the additional beats per minute won’t put any strain on you, and won’t lead to cardiovascular damage over the amount of time you would be using it.

The anxiety and depression are obviously related to the serotonin and dopamine. However, most people report an elevated mood due to Tesofensine, so it may be that a few people just get unbalanced when they start messing with these neurotransmitters.

Tesofensine Bodybuilding Guide: How Can You Use It?

Let’s put it all together now, by telling you the best Tesofensine bodybuilding advice. How do you use this to cut weight while you are working out?

Over 6 months of daily use you’ll lose a lot of extra weight, as long as you are in a calorie deficit, and as long as you are working out to burn calories.

Before you start using it though, you need to get your diet right. You shouldn’t be making things up; you need a weekly meal plan that is calorie controlled to ensure a deficit. This deficit should be about 300 Cal per day.

For the first month, I’d start with a 0.25 mg dose of Tesofensine per day. After that, go up to 0.5 mg per day for another month.

Then, go up to 0.75 mg per day in your third month. If it’s tolerable, then you could increase it to 1 mg in month four, or if you’re getting good results, just stick at 0.75 mg and minimize the risk of side effects kicking in.

You can use this alongside SARMs as well. In a cutting cycle, you could use SARMs to cut more weight and also to protect your muscle mass.

Here’s a cycle you could use, which I would suggest you use during the second half of your initial six months of Tesofensine:

  • 20 mg Ostarine daily
  • 10 mg Cardarine daily
  • 12 week cycle
  • No PCT supplement required

For the last three months, that will deliver you extra energy to work out with, and the Ostarine will protect your lean muscle mass.

I wouldn’t use it at the start, because you need to be clean to see how Tesofensine, and know that the effects, good and bad, are down to that, and not down to the SARMs or the stacking of different chemicals.

Tesofensine Vs Semaglutide

It’s been reputed that people using Semaglutide over six months can lose up to 15% body fat. That’s the top end, is actually rare, and it’s usually half that or less.

Also, it works in a different way to Tesofensine, and can have some even more nasty side effects including the potential for pancreatitis, which can be dangerous.

It’s also an antidiabetic medication that can mess with your insulin levels. So if you are diabetic, or have issues with your insulin levels, then it’s certainly not suitable.

How To Find Tesofensine For Sale

The best place to buy high-quality generic Tesofensine is from a company called Swiss Chems, as I highlighted at the start of this Tesofensine bodybuilding guide.

It’s powdered Tesofensine peptide, in convenient 0.25 mg capsules. So simply take one, two, or three capsules a day to easily manage your dosing within normal ranges.

Right now, you can get 60 capsules of high purity Tesofensine from Swiss Chems for $185.99.

(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)