Whether it is a woman or a man, everyone wants to have beautiful, glowing skin. For this, they take various beauty products and treatments, but these can be quite expensive. Also, these products can also harm the skin of some people. If you are tired of trying different beauty products and treatments, then you can try some yogasanas once. These yoga asanas will not only make your skin young and glowing, but will also tone the skin.


Actually, doing yoga is not only good for your health but it is also very beneficial for your skin and beauty. By doing yoga, you can become physically fit, attractive and can also get glowing skin. Whatever problems are there in our skin like acne, dark circles, doing yoga can get rid of all these. Yoga reduces stress, detoxes the body, it gives a new glow to the skin. Let us know which yogasanas can be used to get beautiful skin.

1. Bhujangasan 

It opens your chest and helps in reducing fatigue from the body. With this, your body gets extra oxygen and toxins frozen in the body come out. This helps in rejuvenating your skin. Avoid doing this asana if the woman is pregnant or if there is injury in the organs like neck, hands and legs. Patients suffering from joint pain should also not do this asana.

2. Camel Pose

During this asana, you have to bend backwards completely. It opens up your rib cage, increasing your lung capacity. Breathing more helps. Blood circulation also increases till your brain. The practice of this yoga asana also gives relief from the problem of hair fall. This asana balances the hormones of your body, due to which the stress in the body is reduced. The skin glows, the skin becomes glowing.

3. Matsyasana

This asana tones the muscles of your throat and mouth. This is a kind of miraculous posture for your skin. It makes the skin hard and smooth. It is also very beneficial for the function of thyroid and pituitary gland. This posture also helps you in normalizing hormones. If there are any skin related problems, do this asana only on the advice of a doctor.

4. Halasana

With the help of this asana, blood circulation in the whole body improves and sufficient nutrients reach every part of the body. This asana is also very beneficial in solving sleep related problems like insomnia and restless sleep. If we sleep well and stress is less, then even this can see a lot of improvement in the quality of our skin.

5. Trikonasana

This asana helps in balancing your mind and body and also helps in keeping the arms and legs rigid and strong. It helps your chest, lungs and heart to open up, allowing more oxygen to enter your body. This can go a long way in making you feel fresh. Doing this asana on both sides helps in getting radiant and glowing skin.

6. Pawanmuktasana

This asana is good for digestion. This also has a positive effect on your nervous system, which helps in relaxing all the muscles. This asana is also helpful in getting relief from constipation. This can help you get flawless and blemish-free skin.