It is widely assumed by the masses that the freezer is a safeguard against food spoilage and preservation for extended periods. However, the reality is far from this notion. The issue of a musty odor emanating from the freezer is a common phenomenon, but where does it originate, and how can it be remedied?

The primary culprits of foul smells in the freezer are microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, and molds. Although the freezer may decelerate the growth of most common spoilage microbes, certain types can still thrive if the temperature exceeds the recommended -18 degrees Celsius. This can occur if there is an extended power outage or if hot food is placed directly into the freezer. Additionally, food spills and open containers provide a ripe breeding ground for microbes. It is worth noting that many microbes can remain viable even after freezing and resume growth under favorable conditions. For instance, when food is partially thawed, removed from the freezer, and then returned.

When food decomposes, a plethora of pungent chemicals are produced, accompanied by microbial growth. Furthermore, fats and flavors intrinsic to the food can also be released and categorized as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). While VOCs can produce the pleasant aromas that enhance the sensory experience of eating, they can also be generated by bacteria. Fermentation, which is a microbial process, is an instance of this. Nevertheless, unregulated food spoilage can be problematic, primarily if the contaminants cause illnesses.

Freezing induces physical changes to food, which may amplify its breakdown. Freezing can result in salt rejection, causing the concentration of salts and other organic molecules. If these are volatile, they can permeate the freezer and adhere to other items. Some volatiles exhibit hydrophilic properties, impacting the taste of food, while others are hydrophobic and attach to items like silicone ice cube trays, causing unpleasant odors.

To circumvent the development of unpleasant odors, it is advisable to cover food in an airtight container, preferably one made of glass. If the smell has already pervaded the freezer, it can be eliminated through a few straightforward steps, including comprehensive cleaning. Firstly, remove all contents from the freezer, examine the food for spoilage or unpleasant odors, discard any items that have developed ice crystals, and store the remaining food in a cooler box while attending to the freezer. Next, clean all surfaces using warm soapy water or a mixture of baking soda and warm water. Wash all shelves and ice compartments, allowing them to dry entirely. Placing baking soda inside the freezer before reintroducing food can assist in absorbing any residual odors. For severe smells, particularly when insulation or crevices are contaminated, the services of a technician may be required.

(With inputs from PTI)

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