Winters are about to know our doors soon. Winters are liked by everyone, but any other season even this has its own demerits. In this season, our skin becomes extremely dry. In this season the moisture in the air is very less and this dry air snatches the moisture out from our skin. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to our skin in winter than in summer. 


Follow these skin care tips in cold weather:

1. Moisturizer with Vitamin E- To avoid dry skin in cold weather, a moisturizer containing vitamin E should be used. Use moisturizer two to three times a day and apply it on the face even before sleeping at night. 

2. Mild Scrub- We see that in winter the dead skin also starts accumulating on the face, to get rid of it, use a mild scrub thrice a week, this will remove the dead skin and the face will remain nourished. 

3. Coconut Oil- Coconut oil is considered the best in retaining moisture, you can apply it on your skin after bathing. For this, apply coconut oil on the skin an hour before bath and massage it for a while and after taking a bath, the skin will not be dry. 

4. Warm water for bath- In this season, do not use hot water for bathing, it reduces the moisture of the skin further, take bath with lukewarm water only. Do not use hot or cold water to wash the face, rather wash the face with lukewarm water. 

5. Use of Milk- If your face has become dry, then use milk for this. Apply it all over the face, massage it for a while and then wash the face with lukewarm water, you can sleep at night by applying milk on the face. 

6. Drink plenty of water- In winter, we often reduce drinking water, it has a bad effect on our skin and it starts getting dry. Therefore, do not reduce drinking water, but drink eight to ten glasses of water a day, drinking lukewarm water is beneficial in winter.