
Book Review: Inheritance

Sharon Maolem brings the reader one step closer to understanding and appreciating the marvellous world of genetics, says Shruti Desai

Book Review: Inheritance

Book: Inheritance

Author: Sharon Moalem

Publisher: Hachette

Pages: 254

Price: Rs 399

Whether in high school biology class or a sneak peak at genetic information on your favourite forensics TV show, most of us have been exposed to random knowledge on genetics. However, the ever expanding field of scientific research is miles away from being comprehensible to the lay person. In Inheritance, Dr. Sharon Moalem makes a sincere effort to bridge the gap between the current understanding of biology and the necessary information one needs to know in order to make our lives better.

You don't need a science degree to understand this book. Moalem has simplified concepts for non-biologists to grasp the information and become keen observers. The most important fact we need to acknowledge is this — we are not fixed entities as a result of our genetic coding. In fact, we are capable of undergoing multiple changes, for better or for worse. A deeper reading reveals that even though we all appear to be normal, healthy individuals on the surface, we are actually very different.

The author shares stories of patients he has treated with rare genetic disorders and gives us an insight into genes and epigenetic control, something which is highly dynamic depending upon our surroundings and what we eat. For example, eating fruits can be literally deadly for someone suffering from Hereditary Fructose Intolerance (HFI). Or that being bullied as a child can alter you epigenetically and these changes can be passed on to your children!

This book engages you into thinking out of the box. You might, after reading this book, notice tiny details about yourself or people around you. You might also get an idea about how to have a conversation with your doctor about a condition you suffer from, rather than simply visiting him for a prescription.

Inheritance will boost your curiosity and bring you a step closer to appreciating the marvellous world of genes and their impact on the human body and mind. It is recommended for anyone inquisitive about human complexity.

