India is on the right path with its 14 major cities embarking on metro train projects, said Peter Newman, an expert on sustainability, Curtin University, Perth, Australia on Tuesday.


Newman delivered a lecture on ‘Sustainable Transport for Resilient Cities - Responding to Climate Change’ at the Symbiosis Vishwabhavan. The lecture was organized by the Australia-India Council, the Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Parisar, The Forum For Exchange and Excellence in Design (FEED) and the Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA).

He said it is creativity and not money, which holds the key in making cities more sustainable, resilient and eco-friendly.

Complimenting the Mumbai suburban train system, Newman said it plays an important role in keeping many cars and two-wheelers off the road in Mumbai.

Newman stressed the need for modern cities to move away from heavy use of automobiles and shift to more sustainable modes of transport like metro rail, light rail and bus transport to reduce carbon emissions and oil usage.

He said that this was the only way to making a city self-sufficient.

Newman recommended seven principles which modern cities could use to make them more sustainable.