Children’s Academy decided to focus on an issue that affected them directly

They may be young, but their awareness of the environment in which they live, outstrips that of most adults. The students of Children's Academy, in Malad, have set an example for society, by donating funds for the welfare of stray dogs in the city.

The 220 students from the school collected Rs4,400 and donated 14 vials of anti-rabies vaccine to the Plant and Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), in Thane.

“The school wanted to donate medicines, but as we do not medicate the dogs, the school authorities were advised to donate the vaccine,” said Nilesh Bhange of Paws.

Shilpa Samart, the schoolteacher in-charge of the activity, along with her colleague Resma Mukundan, anchored the collection drive under the guidance of school principal Rohan Bhat.

“Issues like global warming have garnered much attention. But the issue of stray dogs is something that directly affects out day-to-day life. That is why we decided to do
something for stray dogs,” said Samart.

The school authorities encouraged students to collect money for the cause and students responded by collecting Rs20 per head, amounting to Rs4,400. The school then purchased 14 vials of the vaccine and donated it to Paws.

In response to the gesture, a citizen programme was organised at the school on Monday, where three stray dogs were vaccinated. “We wanted to express gratitude towards the students and show them how we catch and vaccinate stray dogs,” said Bhange.

The school undertakes various social activities throughout the year. “We want to inculcate in students that we owe something to society and should try to contribute to social causes in every possible way,” said Samart.