The popular television comedy show, Comedy Nights with Kapil, has attracted wrath from women activists for making fun of pregnant women. The Maharashtra State Women’s Commission has issued a notice to Kapil Sharma and the channel demanding an explanation and has summoned them for a hearing.
In a recent episode, the comedian cracked a joke about a pregnant woman delivering a baby during commuting on pothole-filled roads. The joke was considered derogatory and insulting by women groups.
On Tuesday, two NGOs —Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan and Kaydeshir Wagne — have lodged a complaint with the Maharashtra State Women’s Commission, seeking legal action. “We have sent the producers a legal notice demanding an explanation. They are expected to reply within 15 days,” said Susiben Shah, chairperson of the commission. The groups have also raised objection to the portrayal of women through two characters on the show.
“The two characters of daadi and bua were also found to be objectionable. The daadi is shown drunk. That is not how our daadis are,” said Shah.