Admitting to a massive shortfall of qualified medical practitioners in the pathology stream, the state government said diagnostic labs were being run by unqualified technicians. When members of the state Assembly questioned why the government resolution (GR) which called for action against these illegal labs was pending for approval since last year, despite being ready, the government said a decision in this regard would be taken in a month.


"There are just around 3,000 doctors to cater to 12 crore people," said medical education minister Girish Mahajan, adding that they were trying to increase the seats for the MD (Pathology) course from this year. He was replying to a calling attention motion by Sunil Prabhu (Shiv Sena- Dindoshi), Sandipan Bhumre (Shiv Sena- Paithan) and others in the state legislative assembly on Tuesday. The motion charged there were around 8,000 illegally run labs in the state.

"In many instances, wrong diagnosis leads to wrong treatment," said Mahajan.

Earlier, minister of state for medical education Ravindra Chavan too admitted to a shortfall of those doctors with an MD in Pathology. Maharashtra had just 3,161 doctors specialised in Pathology. A shortfall of qualified doctors had led to such practices, he added.

Prabhu said a large number of illegal labs were operating in Maharashtra, with most of these establishments in Nashik. Chavan agreed that most of these charges were true.

Manisha Chaudhari (BJP- Dahisar) said lab technicians with diplomas in medical lab technician (DMLT) checked samples and made the diagnosis, the doctors provided digital signatures on reports. "This is like playing with the lives of people," she pointed out.

Dr Sunil Deshmukh (BJP- Amravati) said, "Pathologists giving reports is akin to nurses running hospitals without doctors." He charged that a lobby was responsible for stalling action.

Chavan said the Maharashtra Paramedical Council had the powers to inspect these pathology labs and check if they had qualified technicians, and if doctors were signing the diagnosis reports. The paramedical council acted against any technical lapses, while the Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC) was empowered to take action against erring medical practitioners. The local bodies like the municipal corporations and the Zilla Parishads oversaw the drive. Accordingly, while action had been taken against five doctors by suspending them, action was underway against three.

Erring System

  • The state has around 3,000 doctors to cater to 12 crore people 
  • Around 8,000 illegal labs are operational across the state
  • In many instances, wrong diagnosis leads to wrong treatment 
  • State may increase seats for MD (Pathology) course from this year to cater to shortage