Maharashtra today sought the IT industry's help in removing regional imbalances by way of focussing on cities other than Mumbai and Pune."IT is the only industry which generates a lot of employment. I look forward to this industry to also help remove the regional imbalance issues which we face in Maharashtra and see that other districts in the state also get a lot of opportunities," Maharashtra chief minister, Ashok Chavan, said at the NASSCOM Leadership Summmit here.New destinations such as Nashik, Aurangabad and Nagpur are emerging rapidly, Chavan said, adding, "we have the talent, we have the people who would be extremely useful." Chavan said that both India and Maharashtra, in particular, had a lot of potential."We need a lot of support from industry," Chavan said. Stating that Maharashtra was the first state in the country to have formulated its own IT policy, Chavan said that the policy has recently been revised to suit the needs of the industry.Chavan said that the state offers a number of sops to industry for the promotion of the IT sector including exemptions in stamp duty and industrial power tarrifs, etc, to those who intend to set up IT and ITeS parks in the state."Maharashtra continues to drive investment in the IT sectors, ITeS and BPO segments as a result of our robust physical infrastructure and a business-friendly regulatory framework," he said.The state's export from the IT sector has grown eight times, Chavan said, adding "we are providing infrastructure in IT for private participation. This is inviting almost Rs 18,000 crore of investment and employment."The chief minister said that his Government was ready to incorporate any suggestions in its IT policy which would give a fillip to the sector."We can go a step further, any new policy initiative you feel is required for further growth, we are ready to support you on that," he said.