The Maharashtra state government seems to have finally heard complaints voiced by developers and other stakeholders about the inordinate delay in getting environment clearance for their projects.


In a first, the government has requested the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) to permit the setting up of a second State level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) in order to cope with the barrage of proposals — an average of 25 every month.

All projects on plots more than 20,000sq m need environmental clearance — a nod from the SEAC and then final clearance from the State-level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA).

“The current SEAC is working hard. But, getting a project approved requires site visits. The committee also has to ensure compliance from stakeholders. All this takes time,” said state environment minister Suresh Shetty.

The current 12-member SEAC is headed by retired bureaucrat PMA Hakeem, who once headed the prestigious Public Works Department. Being a body of experts set up under central government notification, the government has already sent a list of names for MoEF’s approval.

Environment experts, however, doubt whether MoEF will approve another SEAC. “True, Mumbai/Maharashtra receives the highest number of proposals. But, can rules be changed to accommodate a state / city where infrastructure is in a pathetic state,” asked environment activists.

A developer, however, said if a second SEAC is approved, the wait for project approval would be less. “It takes an average of six to eight months to get a project approved. The delay is because we have the SEAC looking into FSI and parking issues. I hope a second SEAC does not get into all these aspects,” he said.