A special CBI court granted bail to Manjit Singh Bali, chief postmaster general of Maharashtra and Goa who was arrested on graft charges, on a surety bond of Rs1 lakh. The other two accused, Arun Dalmiya and Harsh Dalmiya, who were also arrested on February 25 for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs2 crore to issue a no objection certificate for construction of a post office in Thane, were also granted bail. They were granted bail on the condition that they would not leave Mumbai until the probe was over and would be available for investigation as and when required. The CBI traced Rs63 lakh in cash and other investments worth Rs40 lakh from eight bank accounts of Bali. The ACB has frozen 22 of his bank accounts. Moreover, eight laptops and Rs34 lakh in foreign currency were sized from his Colaba home.