Mumbai local overshot speed limit by just 5 kmph before all went awry

Written By Binoo Nair | Updated: Jun 29, 2015, 07:24 AM IST

The train was in trouble the moment it crossed from the slow line to line number 3 -- that leads to platform 3 of Churchgate -- without observing the 30-km-per-hour speed limit for the cross-over. It was running at 35 kmph.

The train was in trouble the moment it crossed from the slow line to line number 3 -- that leads to platform 3 of Churchgate -- without observing the 30-km-per-hour speed limit for the cross-over. It was running at 35 kmph.

The local then crossed a yellow signal (S12) – a warning to the motorman to pilot the train cautiously so that he halts safely at the next signal or platform – at the same speed. This meant the local was in for trouble the moment it entered Churchgate.

The train did not report any mechanical failure till Marine Lines and even the Train Examiner (TXR) certificate for the day was an 'all-clear'.

At Churchgate, a magnet, called the Auxillary Warnings Signal magnet, set up at signal S12 to restrict the speed of runaway trains to 38 kmph once they have moved some 290 metres past the signal, was of no use either.

With signal S12 just 551 meters away from the hydraulic buffer at the south-end of platform number 3, the time to take remedial measures by motorman (LS Tiwary) was minimal, sources said. Tiwary apparently tried to apply brakes but couldn't do so in time to slow down, said sources.

The speed of the train was 29kmph when it hit the hydraulic buffer. The water-filled hydraulic buffer, which can buttress a hit of up to 1 metre to stop trains, did not work either as the water never got released into the buffer.

This, officials said, caused the train to climb onto the buffer, finally coming to a position where the light of the train was at a height of almost 15 metres above the tracks.



1- Train 90370 (Bhayander-Churchgate) moves into platform number 3 of Churchgate and crashes into the buffer.
2- The buffer fails to work and coach 4021/4022 climbs onto the station concourse at the southern tip of the platform.
3- Motorman LS Tiwary and Guard Ajay Kumar were overseeing the train. Five people are injured.
4- Incident happens around 11:21am and the accident relief train comes in at 11:40am
5- Tiwary and Kumar are suspended as WR gets down to restoring line 3, though initial deadline of 8pm is missed.
6- Inquiry initiated into the incident to cover all technical aspects including non-working of the buffer