The city is suddenly, in the last couple of days, witnessing a cold spell with a dip in temperature, cloudy skies and even a light drizzle in few isolated areas. The weather will continue to be pleasant and a bit chilly, the weather bureau has predicted.      


“There was a slight drizzle on Sunday and Monday. This is due to the upper air circulation, which is bringing moisture to the area and that is why it has been cloudy in the past few days,” said Dr Sathi Devi, director, regional meteorological centre, Colaba. “However, it is a passing system. It will not sustain for more than one day.”

The city was also engulfed in dense fog on Sunday and Monday mornings, which Sathi Devi said was a regular pattern during the winter season. A weather bureau official explained that the dense fog is a result of the moisture in the air as well as the ground level inversion in temperature.

On Monday, Mumbai experienced a maximum temperature of 30°C and a minimum of 23°C in Colaba, while Santa Cruz recorded a maximum of 32°C and a minimum of 22°C.