A day after a 22-year-old nurse from the Asian Heart Hospital at Bandra-Kurla Complex in Mumbai committed suicide, the nursing staff there went on a strike today alleging harassment by the authorities.The victim, Beena Bebi, was continuously harassed by the hospital authorities. Other nurses are also met with the same treatment. The authorities should take responsibilty of her suicide and should transport her body to her native place in Kerala, Deepu, a Staff Nurse told PTI."We want our original certficiates back, which are in possession of the hospital management. If we ask for our certificates they ask us to pay Rs50,000 as a rule," he alleged.Nurses said the hospital is not authorised to keep the certificates as the Supreme Court has also passed an order in this regard.The staff said that no doctors are supporting the strike."They are with the hospital. All the nursing staff have gone on strike since 7am," Deepu said.Bebi was found hanging in a flat of Vrindavan Building yesterday, where she stayed alongwith eight other nurses.