Nine people were injured on Wednesday night when two groups carrying lathis, sword and sharp weapons clashed at Gauri Shankar chowk in Kurla (West) over a minor quarrel. The injured were admitted to Sion Hospital."Five persons including a constable of Mumbai police were remanded to police custody till November 2 by the local court on Friday," said a senior police inspector Arun Kumar Aaigal of Vinobha Bhave Nagar police station. He added that among the arrested people, Dharamsingh Salunkhe, 48, head constable, was attached to the Local Armoury at Naigon.The clashes between the two groups occurred at 11.45pm on Wednesday. On learning about the incident the police rushed to the spot. The police have registered a case against 25 people for riot, attempt to murder and voluntarily causing grievous harm, said Aaigal and added that the situation is under control and police patrolling has been intensified in the area.