Maharashtra home minister RR Patil today said police had identified the culprits of February 13 terror attack on the German Bakery here."Police have identified those involved in the blast. They also have proofs and know the whereabouts of these persons who are at large in various parts of the country", he told reporters on the sidelines of a function here.Patil, who did not elaborate further on the police investigations, said the state ATS in coordination with Central agencies were tracking the blast accused, and expressed confidence that they would be "caught soon ".Taking cognisance of reports alleging favouritism on part of some Pune police officers in issuing licenses of private security agencies to their kin, Patil said necessary action would be taken if anybody was found guilty of "misusing his position".Pune police commissioner Meera Borwankar has been askedto submit a report in the matter, Patil added.


An official website of Pune police had recently displayed a list of 180 private security agencies, licensed by them to run the business. The list contained names of relations of some serving and retired police officers in Pune.A Pune police spokesman, responding to media reports thatalleged favouritism in issuing the licenses, had stated thatall " legal requirements" were complied with in the matter andthere was no violation of law or official procedure.