Police had to resort to firing in the air to disperse activists of NCP, MNS and Shiv Sena, who clashed over a polling incident at the Ojhar township near here, police said.

"Police fired few rounds last night in the air to disperse the mob and also arrested ten activisits affiliated to the NCP, MNS and Sena," they said.

Political group clashes between NCP, Shiv Sena and MNS activists were reported last night at Ojhar over some minor incident after polling on October 13.

The mob gathered outside Ojhar police station and started shouting slogans against each other. The police asked them to disperse, and when they did not pay heed, police fired a few rounds in the air to disperse the crowd, they added.

The situation in Ojhar is now under control and peaceful, DSP Nikhil Gupta, who rushed to Ojhar told PTI.

Earlier, on the polling day, police had fired two rounds in the Nanawali locality over clashes between Congress, NCP and MNS activists in which three persons were injured and the mob smashed window panes of a vehicle belonging to MNS's candidate Vasant Gite.