While the burgeoning crime rate in the city shows no sign of abating, police officers are blaming the bandobast duties thrust upon them due to the frequent very important persons (VIP) visits to the city.


Over the last four years, there has been a steady increase of 30% in VIP visits. In 2008 there were 210 VIP visits to Pune, while last year there were 273 such visits.

Not only has the number of days of such visits increased, the duration of VIPs’ stay has increased, putting pressure on the police force. VIPs stayed in the city for 1,597 days in 2011. If two VIPs stay in the city for one day, it is counted as two days where deploying manpower is concerned.

Besides, celebrations like festivals, public gatherings and anniversaries requiring police cover have increased in the past four years. In 2008, 27 festivals were observed over 71 days as against the police being deployed for bandobast duty for 79 days for celebrating 34 festivals in 2011. The police said massive public rallies have increased from 8 in 2008 to 13 in 2011.

“The total strength of the Pune city police is just 8,500 personnel for a population of 22 lakh people. If we spend all our time in managing bandobast for VIP persons, how will we manage city crime?” said a senior police officer.

For very very important persons (VVIPs) four deputy commissioners of police (DCPs) have to work round-the-clock. Four DCPs are required for bandobast at airport, road traffic management, programme taking place and one during escort. Around 300 personnel have to be deployed on every route used by VVIPs.

The VIP category includes central ministers, state ministers, judges of supreme court and high courts.

For their security, a team headed by a senior DCP, one inspector and three constables accompany them in a van.