The Maharashtra government today decided to give Rs1 lakh as compensation to the next of the kin of victims in the wall collapse at Sewri in Mumbai yesterday from the chief minister's fund."The government will give Rs1 lakh as compensation to the next of the kin of those killed in the wall collapse," Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan told reporters in the city.Chavan visited the Jubilee Mill compound where five teenagers were killed following the collapse of a wall.The deceased were identified as Sayeed Ali Shaha, 11, Noor Mohammed Shaha, 18, Ghulam Moinuddin Majiula Khan, 12, Adnan Hasan, 12, and Shaufiq Sheikh, 17.The chief minister further said, "action would be taken against the culprits after receiving an enquiry report from the Mumbai District Collector.""A meeting with officials of MHADA, BMC and Mumbai collector would be convened soon to ensure that such incidents are not repeated," he added.