Alleging failure by the Maharashtra government to act on Central intelligence inputs of a possible terror strike in Pune, Opposition Shiv Sena-BJP MPs today walked out of a meeting convened by chief minister Ashok Chavan to raise state's issues in Parliament."The meeting began with a tribute to those killed in the Pune blast, after which senior Sena leader Manohar Joshi raised the issue of lack of coordination between Centre and state government," senior Sena MP Chandrakant Khaire told PTI."We told the chief minister that the state government had failed to act on alerts given by Central government and instead, it deployed huge police force for Rahul Gandhi's visit to Mumbai and to ensure release of Shah Rukh Khan's film," Khaire said.The meeting was convened by Chavan ahead of Parliament session to discuss developmental issues related toMaharashtra, to be raised by members in the House, includingissues like scarcity situation in the state."The opposition members told Chavan that the government has deployed thousands of police to guard Rahul Gandhi and SRK's film but left the common man without security," Khaire, Lok Sabha member from Aurangabad, said. Around 18 Sena-BJP members were present at the meeting, he said. The members walked out of the meeting soon after it began, alleging the government had failed to protect the common man, he said.