Skirting to comment on saffron ally BJP's demand for separate Vidarbha, Shiv Sena executive president Uddhav Thackeray today announced grand celebration programme for Golden Jubilee year of Samyukta (united) Maharashtra on May 1."This is a Golden Jubilee year of formation of Samyukta Maharashtra including Vidarbha and no one can stop me from celebrating it," Uddhav told reporters here today.On a query about BJP's demand for separate Vidarbha, Uddhav said, "I do not want to comment on it now." However, he said celebration programmes would be conducted across the state including Vidarbha.        Recalling memories of the Samyukta Maharashtra movement, Uddhav said the celebration is an effort to make the next generation aware of the fact that many laid their lives to get the state, along with Mumbai.        Noted singer Lata Mangeshkar would be performing a special song on May 1 at a public celebration here, he said.        Sena has also organised a blood donation camp on April 25 to mark the celebration. Lamenting the situation of Marathi people in Karnataka, Uddhav said the Sena has not softened its stand on the issue."Sena activists have agitated from time to time on the issue despite the fact that our Government is not in power in both the states and at the Centre," he said.On recent controversy over tennis player Sania Mirza'a marriage, Uddhav said, "this is her personal matter."       The party has already cleared its stand on the issue yesterday, he said.