Shiv Sena executive chief Udhhav Thackeray and Maharashtra deputy chief minister Chhagan Bhujbal today opposed the idea of dividing the BMC.Congress MLC Bhai Jagtap suggested the division of the BMC into the city and the suburbs for better functioning, at a meeting convened by chief minister Ashok Chavan with legislators from Mumbai yesterday."Congress always a shows different picture while the truth is something else. The truth is now out with this demand to divide the BMC," Uddhav told reporters at his residence Matoshree in suburban Bandra.It is an old habit of Congress to raise such issues through small people and then turn them into reality, he said."But Sena would not allow it to happen. Only our party has the courage to stop Congress from taking any step to divide the civic body," the Sena leader said.Bhujbal told reporters at his official residence here this morning that there was no need to divide the BMC."I don't think there is need to divide the BMC," he said, responding to Jagtap's suggestion.Jagtap had mooted appointment of an additional Commissioner for suburbs."Despite adequate funds, many infrastructure and other projects are pending or delayed, especially in suburbs. So, I proposed to divide Mumbai civic body," Jagtap had said.He mooted the appointment of an additional commissioner for the suburbs like the separate suburban collector to speed up the works.