The Tardeo police on Tuesday arrested a 21-year-old youth, Rehan alias Salauddhin Sheikh, from Agra for kidnapping and raping a 15-year-old girl from Worli. Rehan, who hails from Kolkata, came to Mumbai three years ago in search of a job andhas been working at an embroidery unit at Worli since,” said API Manohar Dhanawade. Rehan has been remanded in police custody till February 5. The court has ordered that the victim be kept at Dongri Children’s Home till February 15.The 15-year-old victim, a Std IX student, lives in Worli with her parents. She went missing on November 17 last year. Her parents first lodged a missing person complaint at Tardeo police station. Later, when they learnt that the girl had been kidnapped by Rehan, who resided in the same area, they lodged a kidnap complaint.