State Bank of India (SBI) has recently launched its WhatsApp Banking services, through which customers can avail of certain banking services by using WhatsApp. Taking to Twitter, the SBI said "your bank is now on WhatsApp. Get to know your account balance and view the mini statement on the go." The move comes days after SBI chairman Dinesh Khara had disclosed plans of the bank to go the WhatsApp way. 


State Bank of India also offers WhatsApp-based services to its credit card holders through the platform under the name of SBI Card WhatsApp connect. Through this, SBI credit card customers can check their account summary, reward points, outstanding balance, make card payments, and more.

SBI WhatsApp banking service

Step 1: To avail of this service through SBI WhatsApp Banking, customers must register first. Send an SMS to 7208933148 with the text WAREG, your account number, and a space between them. One thing you must remember is to send this SMS from the same phone number that is linked to your SBI account.

After registering for SBI WhatsApp Banking, a message from SBI's number 90226 90226 will be sent to your WhatsApp phone. 

Step 2: Now Type ‘Hi’ SBI on the number +919022690226 or reply to the message you have received on WhatsApp saying “Dear Customer, You are successfully registered for SBI WhatsApp Banking services."

You will receive this reply:

Dear Customer,

Welcome to SBI Whatsapp Banking Services!

Please choose from any of the options below.

1. Account Balance

2. Mini Statement

3. De-register from WhatsApp Banking

Step 3: You may also type your query to get started.

Step 4: Choose your required options (1 or 2) to check your account balance or get a mini statement of your last five transactions. Customers can also choose Option 3 if you want to de-register from SBI WhatsApp Banking.

Step 5: Your account balance or mini statement will be displayed as per your choice. You can also type in your query if you have any.