HONG KONG, November 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --


When they spend time in town and city centres up and down the UK, members of the public may notice an increased number of outdoor screen and LED displays showing everything from music videos to sporting and events and news broadcasts.

These displays point to the greater interactivity of modern cities and a general commitment from councils to cater for the population's interest in news and entertainment wherever they are. Open air displays of this kind are designed to help modern people to stay in the loop and to make open areas within the city and town centre more accessible, interesting and sociable places to be.

Signax LED, a specialist manufacturer of LED Displays based in China, is responsible for the type of signs used in public spaces for general interest use and entertainment display. At one time, the company primarily received business from those behind large scale outdoor events keen to add visual elements to their setup - music festivals and concerts are the chief examples that come to mind.

However, the team at Signax LED are now seeing an increase in business from those wishing to make more of public spaces, rather than simply furnishing private events with more variety in terms of entertainment. The suggestion is that modern people, used to fast and efficient communication and reference in the form of internet sites, social networking and smartphone applications, need more from the open spaces they use on a daily basis.

The decision many councils around the UK have reached is to make those spaces more inclusive and more enlightening through the use of large screens. These screens can also be employed during special events such as the recent London Games and other sporting events in order to bring a greater sense of community and national spirit to urban spaces by showing all the action and encouraging members of society to join in.

LED Signs are generally regarded as a cost-effective means of connecting with large and speculative audiences for the purposes of entertainment, advertising and information. A glance at the product range on the website gives interested parties further insight into the sheer variety of visual equipment available to appeal to the modern tastes, needs and aesthetics of the British public.

Mr Mok Keith