Chief minister Prithviraj Chavan, on Tuesday, said that criminal cases will be filed against police officers and ward officers for unauthorised constructions.MLAs Jitendra Avhad and Sanjay Savkare had raised the issue of unauthorised constructions in the Lower House during the question hour. While minister of state for urban development Bhaskar Jadhav was replying to the questions, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Girish Bapat objected, “This is vague information and the House wants to know what action has been taken against unauthorised construction and whether the revenue machinery has sufficient staff for action against such constructions.”


After speaker Dilip Walse-Patil asked the CM to clarify on this issue, Chavan said that the new legislation will enable the state to take action against ward officers and police officers at the concerned police station. Chavan informed the House that a meeting was held on Monday on this issue and the MLAs were informed about the legislation which was sent by Presidential assent. Chavan said that the issue of unauthorised constructions does not only pertain to Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad, but all big cities.He added that a committee under the principal secretary has been constituted and a four-minister committee is also appointed on the issue to suggest ways and means to prevent unauthorised constructions in future.