Pune: Ever since the parliamentary elections were announced last year, PM Narendra Modi has been making his presence felt in almost every sector. And today, the heightened curiosity of people about the new prime minister has become evident in the demand for books that are based on Modi's life at the libraries and book stores in the city.Sunil Mehta, committee member of Pune Publishers Association states that books on the prime minister is the current rage among the city readers.Mehta said: "There is a steep increase in the number of books written and sold by the publishers on Modi. As the Maharashtrians are not completely aware of Modi's work in Gujarat, they are very keen to read on that. Interestingly, there is a demand not just for the biographies on Modi written by his associates but also for the books which are compilations of the information available for him on the internet. Notably, the younger generation wants to read about Godhra riots and other such incidents, and are seen buying the books in plenty."According to Snehalata Chatre, proprietor of Shabda Sneha Library, people of all age groups are showing keen interest in the literature related to the prime minister."Be it in the regional language or English, everyday we get many inquiries for the books related to Modi. In fact, the number has gone up ever since he became the prime minister of the country. Nowadays people get wait listed to get the books," Chatre said.At Shabda Sneha, two books, 'Narendra Modi- The Man, The Time' and 'Namomantra' are the mostly read books by the readers. "At least one new reader takes these books home everyday at our library so called for extra copies," she said.Youngsters are showing keen interest in books on Modi, claimed Ganesh Londhe, the organizer of Sahityadarshan, an ongoing book exhibition at Atre Sabhagruha."In the exhibition, we have kept few Marathi translations on him like Kahani NaMo chi and Jyotipunj which are much in demand. Hence at the entrance itself, we have kept a stand containing all books written on him. This way, visitors, particularly looking for the literature on him can directly acquire it."Dheeraj Kothari, owner of the Aundh branch of Just Books said "Earlier we had only a couple of books on Narendra Modi but we are observing an increasing demand for the books in all the stores across the city. Keeping this in mind, we replenished the previous stock with the new ones. While there is no specific demand for any particular book as such, people are reading anything that is related to Modi. However, we are careful in stocking books because this is a short term demand and we want to stock only quality books."There are a bunch of books on PM Narendra Modi which are considered as popular lately.


Most of them are translations of the originals from English and Gujrati language and a few in English.

6 popular Modi paperbacks are:Narendra Modi - The Man, The TimesNamo MantraRashtradharma SanrakshakModinamaJyotipunjaNarendrayan