Mumbaikars feel that there must be a holistic effort to find a solution to road accidents.


Segregate lanes & strictly enforce rulesIt’s unfair to just blame youngsters for speeding on JJ flyover. The traffic police need to come up with a viable solution to curb the menace of accidents. Perhaps segregating the lanes and strictly enforcing the demarcation for two and four-wheelers will help in avoiding collisions. Also what is the option for two-wheelers?—Mihir Gandhi 

Can try same on Eastern Expressway Yes mostly two-wheelers have caused accidents on JJ flyover. However, if banning two-wheelers is the appropriate solution, then this should be done on the Eastern Express Highway, which is also accident prone. The traffic police can ask bikers to stop plying for a few days so that they ascertain, if their conclusions have any basis. —Chandrika Sanghvi 

Install direction signs and reflectors Accidents are caused due to the steep turns on the JJ flyover. Also there are no direction signs or reflector lights at night. Hence bikers don’t get a clear sense of direction when the visibility is low. Sometimes they are unable to see the blind turns on the bridge resulting in accidents. I don’t think stopping bikers from using the flyover will improve the situation. The authorities must look into issues like the lack of signboards.—Abhijeet S

Motorists, pedestrians act responsiblyI think accidents happen mostly due to negligence and recklessness on the part of the biker. So it’s important to educate the motorists rather than stopping them from commuting. At this rate after some point of time the traffic police may think of banning people from walking on the road. Each individual, either motorist or pedestrian should act responsibly.—Arya Singh

Quick fix solutions won't workA ban on two-wheelers on JJ flyover is not a solution to curb accidents. One needs to look at the bigger picture that is the increase in number of accident cases of two-wheelers in Mumbai city. Bikers need a crash course in driving and road discipline. Authorities need to work towards spreading safety awareness, rather than coming up with quick fix solutions.—Indraveer Srivastava