Pakistani all-rounder Abdul Razzaq has accused former PCB chief Nasim Ashraf of trying to destroy his international career. Razzaq, who smashed 46 runs off just 18 balls against England in Dubai on Saturday, said that Nasim developed a dislike for him and forced selectors to drop him from the national team.“I was not included in the team because I did not perform as a player but I was a victim of the changes that came into the PCB. Nasim did not like me and that is why I was not selected,” the Daily Times quoted Razzaq, as saying.He said he was so heartbroken by PCB’s attitude that he joined the rebel Indian Cricket League (ICL) two years back. Subsequently, Razzaq was banned from the PCB, and later pardoned when he broke off ties with the cash-rich ICL. Razzaq said he was confident of good performance against England.“When I went out to bat I felt very confident. I kept telling myself we should not lose. My mind said I can do it and I am thankful to God that we did it,” he said. “During our team meeting it was decided to hit the ball hard and that is why I went for those sixes. It was a good partnership with Fawad Alam and good partnerships can always win matches,” he added. Razzaq is hopeful that Pakistan will retain the World Twenty20 title in the Caribbean this summer. “We have no weakness as a team. We will have a good combination when the injured Mohammad Aamer and few others return to the side. We had a good combination during the last Twenty20 World Cup and we expect to have a strong team this time too,” he said.