Light welterweight world boxing champion Amir Khan has said that he would be holding an exclusive meeting with Pakistan pugilists to give them tips in the sport and was ready to feature in a major mega event conducted in the country.The Pakistani-origin boxer, who became the WBA champion after defeating Andreas Kotelnik in July last year at the age of 22, is currently in Pakistan to participate in the concluding ceremony of the Benazir Bhutto International Boxing Tournament.“I am ready to play a bout in Pakistan and I will discuss it with my promoter in England,” The Daily Times quoted Khan, as saying.“Pakistan got a lot of talent in boxing and I will pass on the tips to national boxers during my meeting with them,” said he added.Khan was previously in the lightweight division, where he held the Commonwealth, WBO Inter-Continental and WBA International titles. He was also the youngest British Olympic boxing medallist when he won a silver medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics at the age of 17. He will stay in Pakistan along with his parents from January 6 to 11.