Former India cricketer Javagal Srinath acknowledged Rahul Dravid's dignity and expects his stature to increase post retirement."No, it was not a surprise and it was a well-planned one. He has done it at the right time and I completely endorse his decision," Srinath said on Dravid's retirement from international cricket today."I don't see Dravid's value diminishing in any way since he has retired. I see his stature increasing," he said."Quitting the game is not an easy decision. Although it is sad, one needs to celebrate his achievements. What I appreciate about Rahul, is his dignity. The way he connects with the game.""For me, he (Dravid) is the ideal person to look up to when you are facing a tough situation. He is one person who can navigate through tough situations," Srinath, who had played alongside Dravid for long, said.