Dismissing reports that quoted him placing club cricket above international appearances, all-rounder Dwayne Bravo today said he is fully committed to West Indies cricket."I want to let all my fans and people back home know that I have West Indies cricket at heart. I would continue to play the game the way it should be played and am 100% committed to West Indies cricket. It's because of West Indies I am here today," Bravo told PTI."Just to clear that up, there was the incident that took place three days ago where the paper quoted me saying that Trinidad had to be first, Mumbai Indians second and the West Indies third (in priority) which is a misprint," he explained. 


"I just want to get it cleared to people back home in the West Indies and to my fans that it was a misprint and I never said that. That can never be said my me. I just want to get it cleared that I have West Indies at the top of my heart," insisted the 26-year-old Trinidadian who is playing for Mumbai Indians in the IPL.Bravo, who has played 34 Tests and 102 ODIs for the West Indies since his debut in 2004, said what came out in the newspaper shocked him too. 

"The way it came across was a surprise not only to the people back home, but to me also. I just want to apologise to everyone who feels offended, but it was not said by me," he added.