Former Pakistan captain Javed Miandad has called the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman  ‘too old’ to hold the post.“The chairman has become too old for the position he is holding as he seldom remembers his own important official commitments and agreements,” Miandad wrote in a letter to president Asif Ali Zardari, who is also the patron of the PCB.Miandad, who is currently PCB’s director general, criticised Butt for his way of handling issues in the board, and said it was due to Butt’s inept ways that many top officials had resigned.“Most of the staff working under the chairman, including many directors, are fed up with his style of working; evidence of which is that many directors have left their jobs during his tenure,” the letter stated.Miandad also blamed Butt for ruining Pakistan cricket, and said that the PCB chief has, for some unknown reasons, sidelined him from the board’s affairs. “Pakistan cricket is in real bad shape and the whole nation is looking towards me to be the saviour of their favourite sport. But unfortunately the PCB chairman is not willing to take me along and he has sidelined me for reasons only known to him,” The Daily Times quoted Miandad, as saying.