BCCI on Monday declined to comment on an unsubstantiated newspaper report that claimed that last year's World Cup semi-final match between India and Pakistan at Mohali was rigged.BCCI vice-president Rajiv Shukla, who is also the IPL Chairman, said unless they received something concrete from the ICC or any agency, they will not comment on the issue."Newspapers can publish anything, unless we get something concrete from an agency or ICC, I don't thing it would be appropriate to react to it," Shukla told reporters."We haven't got anything from ICC, unless we get it from some police agency, it would be inappropiate to react to media reports," he reiterated.On being pressed by a reporter, Shukla said: "I have already told you how we take cognisance of the matter."The 'Sunday Times' newspaper carried out a sting operation on a Delhi-based bookie, who claimed that the Indian bookmakers are fixing the results of England county games and international fixtures and they are using a Bollywood actress as a honeytrap to recruit players from countries. The report also said that India's semi-final match in last year's World Cup was rigged.The ICC is said to have launched an inquiry into the report, which suggested that the bookmakers offer thousands of pounds to the players. About 44,000 pounds to batsmen for slow scoring, 50,000 pounds for bowlers who concede runs and 750,000 pounds for a player or official who can guarantee a match outcome.Just a few weeks ago former Essex bowler Mervyn Westfield became the first English cricketer to be jailed for corruption after he admitted taking money to fix a match against Durham in September 2009.Last year, three Pakistan players -- Salman Butt, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amir -- were jailed in Britain for 'spot-fixing' in a 2010 Test match against England.