England batsman Michael Lumb reckons that Kevin Pietersen could take the Three Lions to Twenty20 World Cup glory after taking the Indian Premier League (IPL) by storm.Pietersen, who helped the IPL franchise Royal Challengers Bangalore reach the semi-finals of the competition, looks to have regained the form, which had once established him as the most exciting batsman in world cricket.“Kevin has been in stunning form while in India and he’s been ripping the bowling to shreds,” The Daily Star quoted Lumb, as saying. “Although we’re both at Hampshire, he’s obviously a really busy guy and so we’ve not really played together, but I watched him in India and he was playing some really great stuff against some very good bowlers.”“When he’s ripping it up like that then it can only be good for England,” he added.The 30-year-old further said that he himself has learnt a lot during his stint in the IPL (with Rajasthan Royals), and would use the tournament in West Indies as a platform to establish himself in the national squad. “I’ve learnt a lot from the IPL and I think that will really help me when I play for England because I’ve come up against some very good bowlers,” said Lumb.“I will go out there at the top of the order and try to be aggressive and attack the bowler. I want to take the game to the opposition and although it might not always come off, it’s what I want to do,” he added.