Martina Navratilova's lesbian lover has slapped the tennis great with a lawsuit, claiming she was unexpectedly dumped and left with nothing.

Navratilova and her lover-of-eight years Toni Layton held an unofficial wedding ceremony in which they allegedly agreed to share all assets earned and obtained while in a relationship.

Layton was appointed grantor and trustee of her "wife's" estate in 2002 but was removed from the position in 2008 after Martina accused her of "abusing" her power for "improper purposes".

And now, Layton has hit back seeking damages over a million dollars, according to her attorney, Ray Rafool.

"Nine years ago in their promise ceremony they agreed to share their lives, careers and the fruits of their business relationship," Fox News quoted Rafool as saying.

"Martina cooked up the claim that Toni abused the trustee position. We're suing for well over a million dollars but we're still trying to determine the value of the assets and they (Navratilova's counsel) are doing everything they can do to stop us find the truth," Rafool added.

But Vincent Carissimi, from Navratilova's legal counsel, denied the claims, tagging them baseless.

He said: "We've stated very clearly in our court papers that we believe Ms.  Layton's claims are totally meritless, and we've stated in the counter claim that we filed on behalf of Ms. Navratilova that in fact, we think it's Ms. Layton who owes money to Ms. Navratilova.

"So our position is pretty clearly set forth in those papers and I'm not inclined as I said, to do anything but try this in court where it belongs."