Angry over his ban by the Pakistan Cricket Board, former captain Mohammad Yousuf has turned his back on international cricket, saying he has no intention of playing for the country again.Yousuf has represented Pakistan on 371 occasions and amassed 17,075 runs during a career spanning 12 years."Yousuf is still very disappointed about his treatment by the PCB and has not changed his mind about coming out of retirement," quoted sources close to Yousuf, as saying.The former skipper was one of seven players banned or fined by the board following the whitewash in Australia. The PCB took the severe action on the advice of a report submitted by a six-member inquiry committee set up to investigate the reasons behind the Australia debacle. The Pakistan Cricket Board barred former captains Younis Khan and Mohammad Yousuf from the national team for life as part of a major crackdown on player indiscipline. The experienced duo was effectively banned from representing their country at international level as a result of alleged infighting.While Shoaib Malik, Rana Naved ul Hasan, Umar Akmal, Kamran Akmal, Younus Khan and Shahid Afridi have appealed against their respective punishments, Yousuf decided not to appeal against his ban.The source added: "Yousuf feels that there is too much dirt in the team. There has been so much going on behind the scenes. He (Yousuf) has had to take so much and he realised he could only take so much. The sad thing is that the whole truth is nowhere near being revealed."Yousuf is practising hard as he is keen to play county cricket in England.